Legal notice - WM technics

Legal notice

WM technics GmbH

Breiener Straße 15
39053 – Blumau/Karneid
BZ, Italy

VAT Registration No.: IT 02929330211
Tel.: +39 0471 353 332

Register of Companies: Bozen / Italy
Registration no. Register of Companies: 02929330211
Directory of Economic and Administrative Data (VWV): BZ-217416
Total capital fully paid up EUR: 120.000,00 €

Copyright notice

The information provided on the website has been carefully checked and is updated regularly. There can be no assurance can be given that the information provided on this website is complete, correct or up to date as well. WM technics GmbH assumes no responsibility for the content of any third party comments and the content of third party sites that are accessible via links from the site. For the content of linked pages is the provider of the particular site. All contributions that you find on this website are copyrighted. All information available on the website provided without guarantee of correctness. For damages is taken on any case of liability that applies to all web sites referred to by means of a link.

Managing Directors

Markus Kofler