Mammoth edger – WM technics

Integrated edger


Affixed directly to the Mammoth’s frame, the edger provides unparalleled stability and superior performance.


The edger is controlled conveniently and risk-free directly via the joystick. The innovative horizontal suspension system with board guides ensures the edger adapts optimally to the edge contours at a constant milling depth. In addition, excess ice is efficiently and cleanly removed.

The edger is positioned between the axles and in front of the brush, providing excellent visibility from the machine. When not in use, the edger remains discreetly hidden between the wheels. It cuts the ice with extreme precision at an exact 90° angle. This accuracy is ensured by the edger’s direct attachment to the machine’s frame, maintaining a consistently perfect angle throughout the entire process.

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Perfect edge fitting
Milling & cleansing procedure
Horizontal suspension system