The industry is undergoing a profound transformation, redefining the boundaries of innovation. This is the era of Industry 5.0, where focus shifts increasingly to collaboration between humans and machines, sustainability, and employee well-being. Products are becoming ever more efficient, benefiting both the environment and the workforce.

At WM technics, we’ve created a product aligned with the principles of Industry 5.0: Mammoth Autopilot 3D. Our new ice resurfacing machine is available with government funding support.

Industry 5.0: Beyond Automation

While Industry 4.0 introduced automation and connectivity, Industry 5.0 takes it a step further. In this new paradigm, people are once again at the center of the production process, working synergistically with machines. The aim is to create safer, more engaging work environments that allow people to fully apply their skills. Industry 5.0 emphasizes ecological sustainability, encouraging the use of renewable energy, recycling of materials, and the production of eco-friendly products. It also focuses on flexible production processes that can quickly respond to market changes and customer needs, combining technological innovation with human-centered and environmentally conscious principles.

Mammoth: A Model of Industry 5.0

Mammoth is an outstanding example of how Industry 5.0 can transform a traditional area like ice maintenance. This is achieved through the integration of three innovative add-ons:


A single app to keep everything under control. Connect serves as a data tool, communication assistant, and e-shop in one.


Enables fully automated ice resurfacing. Plan precisely and achieve maximum efficiency with a single click via your smartphone.

Autopilot 3D:

This innovative system maps the surface, measures ice thickness, and independently manages ice resurfacing, ensuring maximum precision while optimizing time and cost—a true support for the ice master.

Thanks to these new technologies, Mammoth embodies Industry 5.0:

AI serving people:

Autopilot 3D enables the machine to handle complex tasks autonomously, freeing operators from repetitive tasks so they can focus on strategic activities.


With Autopilot 3D, Mammoth is designed to minimize environmental impact and optimize energy consumption.

Ergonomics and safety:

The intuitive user interface and enhanced features make Mammoth a user-friendly machine, minimizing error risks and providing a safer work environment.

Contact us for a free consultation and take advantage of the incentives right away.